The KWI High Speed DAF increases the effective flow area of the unit and enhances the hydraulic capacity of the system by equipping a lamella module to our DAF technology. A combination of DAF & lamella ensures that even the smallest flocs are removed from the feed water, this is the best option to work with large flows with high pollutants concentration. Our design philosophy is focused on delivering a larger overall “available” surface area while maintaining a smaller cross-section and footprint.
Increased hydraulic load to 35 m3/m2•hr
Compact and sturdy
Significantly smaller footprint than conventional units
Lamella module helps to remove contaminants that are too heavy to float
Increased effective flotation surface
Smooth surface minimizes the risk of froth
Microbubbles increases efficiency
Capacity is doubled compared to a traditional DAF product
Seawater desalination
Industrial wastewater with high pollutant concentrations
Municipal wastewater
Water supply
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