KWI provides a wide range of DAF and MBR rental units to meet short-term client needs. Whether clients want to pilot a new solution before committing to a new purchase agreement or whether their system has a sudden breakdown or needs to treat additional capacity, KWI rental units are ready for shipping. Contact our team for more information.
Food industry
Oil-fat & grease removal
Paper industry,
Industrial effluents,
Biological tertiary treatment.
Wastewater treatment
Process water
Fibre recovery
Biological sludge clarification and thickening
All process water clarification in the paper industry
Seawater Desalination
Drinking Sater
Wastewater Treatment
Industrial Wastewater and Special Treatment
Formerly Sandfloat
Surface water treatment to potable quality
Algae removal
Process water preparation and recycling
Heavy metals removal (e.g. Cd, Ni)
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